Tuesday 27 June 2017

World's easiest oat cakes, 3 ingredients

If like me, you have always bought packaged oat cakes and found them delicious despite them tasting essentially like cardboard, look no further!

I believe you will never buy them again, after finding out how easy it is to make them at home. 
These are a game changer, they are light and flaky and like most things, have nothing in common with their industrially produced counterparts. 

Plus, they will take you a maximum of 45 minutes from gathering the ingredients to stuffing your fa...erm..enjoying them responsibly.

And finally, they have none of that forest destroying/orangutan enemy which is non-sustainably sourced palm oil. Yea!

(makes 12-13 oatcakes, using a 2.5 inch cookie cutter)

100 g porridge oats
100 g oat flour, plus a tbsp for dusting
35 g neutral tasting oil (sunflower, rice, rapeseed)
1 pinch salt
Water as needed


1.Start by mixing the oats and oat flour in a mixing bowl.
2.Add a pinch of salt and the oil and mix well with a fork
3.Add a few tablespoons of hot water and start mixing with your hands to create an even, workable dough. I suggest adding the water by the tablespoon, as you will need very little. 
4.Once you have created a smooth dough, cover it and set it aside for 10 minutes.
5.Heat up the oven to 180 degrees centigrade, gas mark 4.
6. For the next 10 minutes indulge in some other activity such as watering the plants, washing the bowl you have just used, stroking your pet or similar..the possibilities are endless!
7. If you have been stroking your pet, wash your hands. The dough should now be firm and easy to work with, not sticky and not so dry that is falls apart. You can adjust any extra stickiness by adding a tiny bit of oat flour at the time, or water if it's too dry. 
7. Use the extra oat flour to dust your working surface and start rolling out the dough into a thin layer (about 1/1.5 mm)
8. Cut the dough with a cookie cutter or your favourite device and place on a baking tray. You don't need to line your baking tray, these don't stick at all!
9. Bake for around 20 minutes, checking them and turning them half way through. Time could vary slightly according to your oven, mine is a static gas one and took 25 minutes exactly. Fan ovens will work quicker.
10. Remove from oven, let cool a few minutes and enjoy with your favourite sweet or savory topping! 

Below you can see I had mine with an easy and quick peanut-ella, recipe coming up soon!